Terms and Conditions


We use cookies on findusa.autos. By using our site, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

Cookies help us improve your experience by remembering your details. Some of our partners may also use cookies.


All content on findusa.autos is owned by us or our licensors. You may use it for personal use only and cannot:

These terms apply from your first visit.


Users can post comments on our site. FindUSA does not review comments before they appear and is not responsible for them. Comments reflect the views of the poster, not FindUSA. We may remove inappropriate comments.

By posting comments, you confirm:

You give FindUSA a non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, and edit your comments.

Hyperlinking to Our Content

Certain organizations can link to our site without permission, including:

These links must not be deceptive or falsely imply endorsement. Other organizations may request to link to our site by emailing us. Approved organizations may use our name or URL for linking but cannot use our logo without permission.


You cannot create frames around our pages that alter their appearance without our approval.

Content Liability

We are not responsible for content on other sites that link to ours. You agree to protect us from claims arising from your site. Links should not be offensive or infringe third-party rights.

Your Privacy

Please refer to our Privacy Policy.

Reservation of Rights

We can request the removal of links to our site and change these terms at any time. By linking to our site, you agree to these terms.

Removal of Links

If you find offensive links on our site, please inform us. We may consider your request to remove them but are not obligated to respond.


We do not guarantee the accuracy or availability of information on our site. We are not liable for any damages or losses as long as our site and services are provided free of charge.

This document was last updated on Aug 5, 2024.

About FindUSA

FindUSA was founded in 2020 to provide the best information to our readers. We have grown and continue to share quality content with our global audience.

Contact Us

Email: connect.findusa@gmail.com

Phone: +1 907-254-8508

Address: 72 Veltri Drive, Juneau, AK 99801